So the virtue I'm going to try this week is patience. I have Patience but not a lot and especially when I'm cooped up in the house with my brothers and sisters.( They are MAJOR pains) This could be a very interesting week to say the least! :)
Monday- I didn't say anything about me trying to be more patient to my family because I knew they would make this a very long week. Today I think I did ok. I listen to my mom and didn't get frustrated with the busy schedule, and when my little sisters didn't help clean our room I didn't say anything and left them alone.
Tuesday- Today my little sisters still didn't clean up all of their stuff off the floor and I just let it be. It drove me crazy on the inside cause when my sides clean I like their side to be clean as well. My little brother Justin on the other hand was on the computer all day and i was trying to blog this and well i kind of yelled at him because he told me I could wait! (how dare he!) so today i had half the patience.
Wednesday- I had no patience today what-so-ever I had a headache and they were being loud so i snapped. but i did go to speedway 95 and saw cars go round and round it was actually pretty fun i was surprised i liked it! Early today my cousin Michele came over and we painted some of the back deck it was hot!!!
Thursday- we did some more stiff washed the deck so it could be painted, i scrubbed our pool it has a rip so we have to clean it so it can be fixed. My little sisters got a Wii so I've been playing it's so fun! especially wii fit!
Friday- I cleaned for my little sister Kathryn's party she's 8! I didn't paint cause it was going to rain and it did! i drove to unity with my dad to get pizza for the party, we had ice cream cake! yummy there were tons of little kids and my 6 year old cousin yelled at me! that was a test of my patience i don't like it when i get yelled at by kids younger than me! i didn't do so well with that it made me mad!
Saturday- I drove all day in Bangor and then i went to Gilford for a surprise birthday party! My mother was telling all the strangers about my attitude so perfect strangers probably felt like they new me! that was embarrassing and annoying! what a challenge this has been!
This week was such a challenge i have awful Patience i knew this before but i really know now i think I did a little better then I expected I think I may have left things out but i did the best that i could if this was a long lasting thing i would truly learn to have patience we can definitely say that. :)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Touching Spirit Bear week 2
In the book Touching Spirit Bear, Cole who beat a kid almost to death is going through the circle of justice. The circle of justice is where you heal yourself and are not punished. Edwin is a big part of helping Cole with this process bringing him supplies showing him ways to help him heal. Edwin is also apart of a Tlingit tribe. Tlingit tribes lived in Southeast Alaska, the tribes are split up into two different colonies the ravens and the eagles, Tlingit Indians believed that ravens and eagles could only marry each other. Tlingit's dived themselves into a system where there were the hierarchy all the way down to peasants. Tlingit Indians also had slaves until the U.S made a law against it. The Tlingit tribes have so many different things about them then the normal Indian we talk about. Usually we hear about how Indians hunted, fished and grew crops on the land that they were on but we never hear what their "laws" are.Tlingit's laws are property laws for example a song, in our society today we inherit thing based on family and if they leave something to us or not. The Tlingit's we given possessions based on their place in the clan. Tlingit tribes are big into family crest and passing something important down to someone you trust Garvey did this by giving Cole his at.oow that was passed down in his family from generation to generation, when Garvey gave the at.oow to Cole he was surprised that someone had faith and trusted him and i think this was one step in helping Cole heal. Edwin and Garvey had both hurt someone in their time, they both told Cole that he would never completely heal until he fixed the wrong that he did to Peter. Cole asked both Edwin and Garvey why they were helping him and going through all the trouble, both men simply stated that they had hurt someone, Cole had dig deeper and start to heal before he understood that they were helping him because they knew what it was like to hurt someone and not be able to fix it, another reason they helped him i thinks is because it helped them to help not only Cole to heal but themselves.
Works Cited:
LaPointe, Thomas. "Rostia Worl." Harriman Expedition Retraced. 7 July 2008.
Works Cited:
LaPointe, Thomas. "Rostia Worl." Harriman Expedition Retraced. 7 July 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Touching Spirit Bear entry 1
In the book Touching Spirit bear there's a boy named Cole. Cole has anger problems beats up a kid and now is on an island trying to change himself for the better. This takes place instead of him being tried as an adult and being put in prison. On the way to the island Edwin tells Cole about spirit bears, how they live in British Colombia but that he would never see them. A spirit bear is actually called a Kermode bear, this bear is related to the American black bear, the difference that the two have is a gene difference that makes them a different color. Kermode bears are apart of many Native American tribes history because the way they look gives them a sense of magic. Edwin is part of the Tlinglit tribe which is Native American and tells Cole about the bear. Native American tribes from what I've learned throughout the years is that they were big in believing that animals had a sense of power and could help them with either their crops or just something that they needed to learn. In this case i think that the spirit bear helped Cole make a change in his life. Kermode bears we find out become a big part in Cole's change, when Edwin is telling Cole about these bears he has a smug attitude and says he'd kill it if it came his way. Cole sees a spirit bear and when he turns to get something to kill it with and turns back around it's gone this angers Cole, anger is the whole reason Cole's on the island. Throughout the book the spirit bear helps change Cole into an angry boy to a boy who understands himself and can now control his anger.
Works Cited:
"Kermode Bear." Wikipedia. 24 June 2008. 30 June 2008.
Works Cited:
"Kermode Bear." Wikipedia. 24 June 2008. 30 June 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Final Essay #2
Over the years there have been many wars fought. Some wars have made progress between us and other countries, but most of the wars fought were over greed. One country, person or group wants one thing and so doesn't the other side so they fight until one person gets what the other side want for example the French and Indian war and Pontiac's Rebellion.
People have always been greedy we see this in the French and Indian war both sided wanted total control of the fur trade neither side could just hand it over to the other side nor could they split the trade in half so they had a war that lasted over seven years fighting who would get the fur trade. The French and Indian war was not necessary for progress at all it was becuse back then people were greedy just like people are now.
The war in Iraq is just like the American Revolution war. Both the British and the Americans wanted the same thing and fought for it out of greed. We are in a war in Iraq right right now fighting over oil, oil compaines are rich now but they're charging even more for it. Oil and gas is a nesscitie for americans and they figure that if we need we'll pay as much as they can charge for it. This war is not making any progress at all between us and the middle east, we are in middle of a war because of greed. Owners of oil companies are greedy and that is why we are in this war.
People have always been greedy we see this in the French and Indian war both sided wanted total control of the fur trade neither side could just hand it over to the other side nor could they split the trade in half so they had a war that lasted over seven years fighting who would get the fur trade. The French and Indian war was not necessary for progress at all it was becuse back then people were greedy just like people are now.
The war in Iraq is just like the American Revolution war. Both the British and the Americans wanted the same thing and fought for it out of greed. We are in a war in Iraq right right now fighting over oil, oil compaines are rich now but they're charging even more for it. Oil and gas is a nesscitie for americans and they figure that if we need we'll pay as much as they can charge for it. This war is not making any progress at all between us and the middle east, we are in middle of a war because of greed. Owners of oil companies are greedy and that is why we are in this war.
Final Essay #1 What If ?
Valley Forge was when the patriots had no war tactic, we were dieing from hunger and disease. Soldiers were losing all hope of coming out of the war gaining anything. General Baron Steuben came and taught the patriots war tactic so they could fight. Nathaniel Green came and provided food, shelter,clothing for the soldiers so they could survive, Nathaniel Green also provided weapons for the soldiers so that they could fight. If Green and Steuben hadn't come then the patriots wouldn't have had a chance of gaining anything from the Revolution war. One because they would have kept running because they didn't know how to fight or because they died of hunger or disease
If one change could be made to history Steuben could have never come to teach the soldiers war tactic this is plausible because Steuben could have never gotten involved with the other party therefore he could have never met George Washington. The effect this could have changed in history is Britain would have won more battles because they had better war tactic. If Green hadn't come the soldiers may have died of either hunger or disease. significance of change today is with Steuben coming and teaching our soldiers tactic if her hadn't our army may not be as strong as it is today.
This event is important today because we need to be the same way as the soldiers that fought in valley forge never giving up during hunger, disease, defeat and death. Without common and learning tactic our army probably wouldn't be as strong as it today. Today would be different because other countries may not fear us as much as they do now because we wouldn't be as strong, we also may not be as emotionally strong and be under someone elses power because we gave up. Know our ancestors fought through death, hunger and disease gives us strenght today to fight through almost anything.
If one change could be made to history Steuben could have never come to teach the soldiers war tactic this is plausible because Steuben could have never gotten involved with the other party therefore he could have never met George Washington. The effect this could have changed in history is Britain would have won more battles because they had better war tactic. If Green hadn't come the soldiers may have died of either hunger or disease. significance of change today is with Steuben coming and teaching our soldiers tactic if her hadn't our army may not be as strong as it is today.
This event is important today because we need to be the same way as the soldiers that fought in valley forge never giving up during hunger, disease, defeat and death. Without common and learning tactic our army probably wouldn't be as strong as it today. Today would be different because other countries may not fear us as much as they do now because we wouldn't be as strong, we also may not be as emotionally strong and be under someone elses power because we gave up. Know our ancestors fought through death, hunger and disease gives us strenght today to fight through almost anything.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Book Portfolio on Night
In the book Night published in 1960 by Elie Wiesel the book is all about the journey and personal experiences of one person during the Holocaust. The author shows each step that he took place in during the Holocaust from being invaded by the Germans and forming a ghetto to being starved and working, seeing the ones you love die and at last sweet victory of beating Hitler and not dieing. The theme for the book Night is we can learn from our past so we don't repeat our mistakes. The significance of the theme is to show people that if we don't learn from the mistakes from the people before us what can happen.
The Thematic statement for the book Night by Elie Wiesel is to show the people that we can learn from our past mistakes in history and not repeat them, this is shown many times throughout the book. First throughout the book the Germans don't treat the Jews like humans ie. when they give them small rations of food, don't give them very many clothes and stick them in cattle carts like cows. In the beginning of the book the Jews have trust that the Germans aren't going to come for them or even harm them if they do come. The last thing we could learn from and not repeat is loosing faith just like the Jews did during the Holocaust for ie. Elie lost faith in God, why let bad things happen to good people, they lost faith in their family in friends. Elie wondered if his father was slowing him down so if he was dead would he be ahead of the game. This theme relates because when your not treated like human, you loose trust and faith therefore showing that if something like this ever happened again we might live longer knowing we can keep faith.
This theme is important now and has been through time. The Holocaust was a major genocide where about 6 million Jews were killed. The Jews weren't the only ones targeted during the Holocaust, Jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals and gypsies. Elie the author of Night wrote the book so that people would know of the tragic event and learn from the mistakes and not repeat them. America has learned from their mistakes but other countries haven't so they need make mistakes and learn from them. For example Rwanda which is a recent genocide that happened in the 90's is where the Hutu's tribe in Africa tried to take out the Tutsi's. 800,000 deaths happened in 100 days. We're supposed to learn from our mistakes like the holocaust. and yet Rwanda happened only 14years ago. Darfur which only happened in 2003 is massive genocide of women and children Many were kicked out of the country. 200,000 people died in Darfur because of disease, malnutrition and violence. Elie the author of Night wrote about his experiences. America has learned from the mistakes of the Holocaust, but many other countries haven't unfortunately so in order for genocide to stop, other countries must experience it for themselves and learn from their mistakes.
The theme in the book Night is to show that we need to learn from our past so we don't repeat our mistakes. Night by Elie Wiesel is all about the Holocaust the theme in the book is important because it shows that if we don't learn from our past there could be another big genocide within the Jews. The theme is important in history because we can learn from our past and not repeat the same mistake twice having another or multiple genocide's taking out big pieces of the population. Elie Wiesel shows the theme of the book very well, he talks about his own struggles through the Holocaust. For example the Germans not treating the Jews like humans, Among Elie and other Jews were tossed in cattle carts treated like cows and driven miles away for days. People loosing faith in not only God but the people that were around them Elie lost trust that his father was going to make and the rabbi felt like it was the end and they were never going get out. Everyone lost trust going from being oblivious and thinking the Germans weren't going to come and in the end thinking the Germans have every control over them. Elie lost trust in his friends and family when they started talking nonsense about dieing when they were so close to getting out of the concentration camps. It is important once again to understand the theme because if we don't learn from our past then history will keep repeating itself and we will never be able to learn anything.
The Thematic statement for the book Night by Elie Wiesel is to show the people that we can learn from our past mistakes in history and not repeat them, this is shown many times throughout the book. First throughout the book the Germans don't treat the Jews like humans ie. when they give them small rations of food, don't give them very many clothes and stick them in cattle carts like cows. In the beginning of the book the Jews have trust that the Germans aren't going to come for them or even harm them if they do come. The last thing we could learn from and not repeat is loosing faith just like the Jews did during the Holocaust for ie. Elie lost faith in God, why let bad things happen to good people, they lost faith in their family in friends. Elie wondered if his father was slowing him down so if he was dead would he be ahead of the game. This theme relates because when your not treated like human, you loose trust and faith therefore showing that if something like this ever happened again we might live longer knowing we can keep faith.
This theme is important now and has been through time. The Holocaust was a major genocide where about 6 million Jews were killed. The Jews weren't the only ones targeted during the Holocaust, Jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals and gypsies. Elie the author of Night wrote the book so that people would know of the tragic event and learn from the mistakes and not repeat them. America has learned from their mistakes but other countries haven't so they need make mistakes and learn from them. For example Rwanda which is a recent genocide that happened in the 90's is where the Hutu's tribe in Africa tried to take out the Tutsi's. 800,000 deaths happened in 100 days. We're supposed to learn from our mistakes like the holocaust. and yet Rwanda happened only 14years ago. Darfur which only happened in 2003 is massive genocide of women and children Many were kicked out of the country. 200,000 people died in Darfur because of disease, malnutrition and violence. Elie the author of Night wrote about his experiences. America has learned from the mistakes of the Holocaust, but many other countries haven't unfortunately so in order for genocide to stop, other countries must experience it for themselves and learn from their mistakes.
The theme in the book Night is to show that we need to learn from our past so we don't repeat our mistakes. Night by Elie Wiesel is all about the Holocaust the theme in the book is important because it shows that if we don't learn from our past there could be another big genocide within the Jews. The theme is important in history because we can learn from our past and not repeat the same mistake twice having another or multiple genocide's taking out big pieces of the population. Elie Wiesel shows the theme of the book very well, he talks about his own struggles through the Holocaust. For example the Germans not treating the Jews like humans, Among Elie and other Jews were tossed in cattle carts treated like cows and driven miles away for days. People loosing faith in not only God but the people that were around them Elie lost trust that his father was going to make and the rabbi felt like it was the end and they were never going get out. Everyone lost trust going from being oblivious and thinking the Germans weren't going to come and in the end thinking the Germans have every control over them. Elie lost trust in his friends and family when they started talking nonsense about dieing when they were so close to getting out of the concentration camps. It is important once again to understand the theme because if we don't learn from our past then history will keep repeating itself and we will never be able to learn anything.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Valley Forge Letter
My dearest sister Isabella,
The winter has been very cold and tough we've only been given fire cakes grilled on the grittle to eat along with water. We share a 16x4 foot long and walls 61/2 feet talll and a stone fire place and a cloth door with 12 men, the floors are dirt it's cold, damp and a very unhealthy place to sleep in. For a year we've been with Washington and runing away it seems like every living second along with being shot at. I tell you this because you are my on sister and I trust that you won't tell ma that things are going poorly. I know this would break her heart since the bad news of pa's death earlier in the war.
The whole time fighting we've only won one battle and that was at trenton crossing the delware river. I hate being in the war and all i want to do is come home to take care of you and ma. I hope that you have found a decent man that both pa and i would both like. Many men at Valley Forge have gotten sick from drink from the same stream that the soliders have gone to the bathroom in. Those of us who haven't gotten sick have been made to have vaccines. Genereal Nathanael Green is now the quartermaster and things are looking up for the war we are being taught new things to help us win more battles.
Isabella I think i'm going to try and stick it out for another 6 months becaue I hate the Britians so much that we're being taught the skills by Baron von Steuben a German whose a profesional solider he looks funny and can't speak english but we are learning so many skills that are need to kill the Britian's and rub it in their faces. I'm doing this only for myself, but for you and everyone at home and the fallen soliders that felt the same way I do. with all my love,
The winter has been very cold and tough we've only been given fire cakes grilled on the grittle to eat along with water. We share a 16x4 foot long and walls 61/2 feet talll and a stone fire place and a cloth door with 12 men, the floors are dirt it's cold, damp and a very unhealthy place to sleep in. For a year we've been with Washington and runing away it seems like every living second along with being shot at. I tell you this because you are my on sister and I trust that you won't tell ma that things are going poorly. I know this would break her heart since the bad news of pa's death earlier in the war.
The whole time fighting we've only won one battle and that was at trenton crossing the delware river. I hate being in the war and all i want to do is come home to take care of you and ma. I hope that you have found a decent man that both pa and i would both like. Many men at Valley Forge have gotten sick from drink from the same stream that the soliders have gone to the bathroom in. Those of us who haven't gotten sick have been made to have vaccines. Genereal Nathanael Green is now the quartermaster and things are looking up for the war we are being taught new things to help us win more battles.
Isabella I think i'm going to try and stick it out for another 6 months becaue I hate the Britians so much that we're being taught the skills by Baron von Steuben a German whose a profesional solider he looks funny and can't speak english but we are learning so many skills that are need to kill the Britian's and rub it in their faces. I'm doing this only for myself, but for you and everyone at home and the fallen soliders that felt the same way I do. with all my love,
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
William Franklin Research Essay

William Franklin was born in 1731 and was born in Philideliphia William died December 13 1813. William Franklin represented New Jersey. William Franklin is the son BenjaminFranklin.William helped his father conduct many of the experiments that he is famous for, for example the kite experiment with lightning. William was engaged to a woman named Elizabeth Graeme but while he was in England studing law he married and had a chiled name William Temple Franklin with Elizabeth Downes.
William Franklin was a loyalist to King George III. When William came home from England he became a Royal governor in New Jersey, while he was in office William signed the charter for the Queen college. William remained loyal to the king while his father sided with. George Washington. With son and father on different sides it strained the relationship. John Adams and Samuel Adams on the other hand were cousins and were on the same side.
One motivation that William Franklin had for sticking with the King was personal ambition. William Franklin was the Governor for New Jersey so for him living was good he was paid 1,800 pounds for the loss of all of his estates. William Franklin may have stayed a loyalist because he w thought England was on the wining side of the war. To be on the loosing side of the war like Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson would not be good for his appearance he had made with all of the people higher than him. Benjamin Franklin was William's father. Ben was a patriot during the war and was doing a great deal of leading on that side, William Franklin did a good job of resiting his fathers actions to get him to change sides.
William Franklin doesn't deserve anymore recognition then he already has. He did little things during the war but nothing major that stands out. If were not leaning about William Franklin in class is he that important to learn about?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Boston Masacre
Gentleman of the jury:
Capt. Preston is indeed innocent on the day that the fight broke out between Sentinal and the teenager, Preston was not around as the mobed formed and things were being thrown at the soldiers by spectators, the mob was shouting fire, fire, fire, fire was interperted as a house was on fire so the fire bell starts ringing, this caused a lot of comotion and the soliders began to fire even though the order was not given.
Who's to blame for the five people being killed during the fight between Sentinal and the teenage boy? There was a lot of comotion going on that day with people throwing sticks and snowballs. The mob was shouting different things like fire, and when that was said the bell for a house fire started ringing and then soliders started to fire their guns without the command of their captin. There were may testomonies to say that they saw preston say fire but it was indeed a dark night out and you can not clearly see someone lips moving or hear them correctly from 18ft away when there is fighting, yelling, and church bell going off.
There is not any real evidence that Capt. Preston ever said the word fire. So most people would say that capt. Prestons men are guilty, But many people were saying fire fire and with all of the comothion going on Prestons men could have eaisly gotten confused thinking another mans voice was Capt. Prestons. Capt. Preston and his men should not be hung for the acidental deaths that occured the day of the Boston Massacre.
Capt. Preston is indeed innocent on the day that the fight broke out between Sentinal and the teenager, Preston was not around as the mobed formed and things were being thrown at the soldiers by spectators, the mob was shouting fire, fire, fire, fire was interperted as a house was on fire so the fire bell starts ringing, this caused a lot of comotion and the soliders began to fire even though the order was not given.
Who's to blame for the five people being killed during the fight between Sentinal and the teenage boy? There was a lot of comotion going on that day with people throwing sticks and snowballs. The mob was shouting different things like fire, and when that was said the bell for a house fire started ringing and then soliders started to fire their guns without the command of their captin. There were may testomonies to say that they saw preston say fire but it was indeed a dark night out and you can not clearly see someone lips moving or hear them correctly from 18ft away when there is fighting, yelling, and church bell going off.
There is not any real evidence that Capt. Preston ever said the word fire. So most people would say that capt. Prestons men are guilty, But many people were saying fire fire and with all of the comothion going on Prestons men could have eaisly gotten confused thinking another mans voice was Capt. Prestons. Capt. Preston and his men should not be hung for the acidental deaths that occured the day of the Boston Massacre.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Quarter 4 Notes
1764—Grenville Acts (direct tax)
Sugar (molasses, wine)
Virtual/ Direct Representation
The Grenville acts were where the king taxed the most precious things to the colonist stamp & sugar. Quatering act was where soliders were placed in middle class ppls homes, currencey - only british pounds were to be used all colonies. English would only let ppl who had their best intrest and knew what they wanted to represent, Britian would put their best intrest in their hand
Sugar (molasses, wine)

Virtual/ Direct Representation
The Grenville acts were where the king taxed the most precious things to the colonist stamp & sugar. Quatering act was where soliders were placed in middle class ppls homes, currencey - only british pounds were to be used all colonies. English would only let ppl who had their best intrest and knew what they wanted to represent, Britian would put their best intrest in their hand
Paul Revere
John Hancock
Lobsters (Lobster-backs, Thomas Lobster)
The first time delegates were sent to discuss issues against Britian
1766—Declaratory Act
They take back all of the takes but declares they have the right to tax the colonies any way they want to.
1767—Townsend Acts (indirect tax)
Charles Townsend
Writs of Assistance (search warrants)
Revenue used to pay Royal officials in the colonies
Tea Act (glass, paper, paint) support British East India Company
The second attmept to tax the colonies, establishes the tea acts
John Hancock
Lobsters (Lobster-backs, Thomas Lobster)
The first time delegates were sent to discuss issues against Britian
1766—Declaratory Act
They take back all of the takes but declares they have the right to tax the colonies any way they want to.
1767—Townsend Acts (indirect tax)
Charles Townsend
Writs of Assistance (search warrants)
Revenue used to pay Royal officials in the colonies
Tea Act (glass, paper, paint) support British East India Company
The second attmept to tax the colonies, establishes the tea acts

1770—Boston Massacre
March 5, 1770
Local reaction (primarily)
5 dead colonists
John Adams defends British soldiers/5 exonerated-2 convicted
Convicted men discharged and thumbs branded
the picture influenced people to fight, Paul Revere carved the picture of the Boston massacre
1773—Boston Tea Party
November 30, 1773--Dartmouth sails into Boston Harbor
December 16, 1773--Tea dumped into harbor
340 chests of tea dumped (value of 10,000 British pounds)
English did the tea act and this made Britian Furious. The tea acts were a response of the Boston Massacre
1774—Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts in Britain)
Close the port of Boston
Shut down Provincial and Town Governments
All offices appointed
This was an even bigger push back to the Enlish for dumping all of their tea into the water. This was a harsh response
Named General Thomas Gage as Governor
Gave all western lands north of the Ohio R. to Quebec, allowed Catholic Church to practice
1774—1st Continental Congress
September to October (7 weeks)
Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia
New England—John Adams, Paul Revere, Silas Deane
Virginia—Washington, Patrick Henry, Peyton Randolph, Richard Henry Lee
Pennsylvania—John Dickenson, Joseph Galloway (Plan for American council under Parliament, to avoid war)
New York—John Jay, James Duane
Maryland—Samuel Chase (future Supreme Court Justice), Charles Carroll (richest man in Maryland, Catholic)
Declaration of Rights—rejects Parliamentary authority over internal colonial affairs, colonies manage own defense, united aid to Boston if Intolerable Acts continue, absolute boycott of British goods to be enforced rigidly
Everyone came together to decide what to do about the intolerable acts
1775— January
William Pitt urges Parliament to withdraw troops from America because the idea of managing the colonies through force was “too ridiculous to take up a moment of your lordships’ time”
March 5, 1770
Local reaction (primarily)
5 dead colonists
John Adams defends British soldiers/5 exonerated-2 convicted
Convicted men discharged and thumbs branded
the picture influenced people to fight, Paul Revere carved the picture of the Boston massacre
1773—Boston Tea Party
November 30, 1773--Dartmouth sails into Boston Harbor

December 16, 1773--Tea dumped into harbor
340 chests of tea dumped (value of 10,000 British pounds)
English did the tea act and this made Britian Furious. The tea acts were a response of the Boston Massacre
1774—Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts in Britain)
Close the port of Boston
Shut down Provincial and Town Governments
All offices appointed
This was an even bigger push back to the Enlish for dumping all of their tea into the water. This was a harsh response
Named General Thomas Gage as Governor

Gave all western lands north of the Ohio R. to Quebec, allowed Catholic Church to practice
1774—1st Continental Congress
September to October (7 weeks)
Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia
New England—John Adams, Paul Revere, Silas Deane
Virginia—Washington, Patrick Henry, Peyton Randolph, Richard Henry Lee
Pennsylvania—John Dickenson, Joseph Galloway (Plan for American council under Parliament, to avoid war)
New York—John Jay, James Duane
Maryland—Samuel Chase (future Supreme Court Justice), Charles Carroll (richest man in Maryland, Catholic)
Declaration of Rights—rejects Parliamentary authority over internal colonial affairs, colonies manage own defense, united aid to Boston if Intolerable Acts continue, absolute boycott of British goods to be enforced rigidly
Everyone came together to decide what to do about the intolerable acts
1775— January
William Pitt urges Parliament to withdraw troops from America because the idea of managing the colonies through force was “too ridiculous to take up a moment of your lordships’ time”
Don't go to war because it's expspensive. he's english nobody listens and later when they look back on the war the wished that they had listened.
1775—April 19 Lexington and Concord
Gen. Gage sends 700 men to Concord to seize the powder supplies
Paul Revere and William Dawes raise alarm the night before
Town of Lexington is on the way to Concord
Minutemen are assembled on the town common
“Shot heard round the world”
18 colonials killed and the rest run away
British march on to Concord and find the munitions were moved overnight
Minutemen ambush the British the whole way back to Boston
430 Redcoats make it back to Boston
30,000 Colonists surround Boston
1775—April 19 Lexington and Concord
Gen. Gage sends 700 men to Concord to seize the powder supplies
Paul Revere and William Dawes raise alarm the night before
Town of Lexington is on the way to Concord
Minutemen are assembled on the town common
“Shot heard round the world”
18 colonials killed and the rest run away
British march on to Concord and find the munitions were moved overnight
Minutemen ambush the British the whole way back to Boston
430 Redcoats make it back to Boston
30,000 Colonists surround Boston
The first battle of the war and the patriots hid ther stuff so the British never saw it
Gen. Howe, Gen. Clinton, Gen. Burgoyne
5,000 British troops
Ethan Allen, “Green Mountain Boys” seize Fort Ticonderoga
Henry Knox uses canon to lay siege on Boston
Benedict Arnold (Connecticut) takes Fort Crown Point to impede an invasion from Canada
1775—May 10, 2nd Continental Congress
Sam Adams pushes for Independence
John Dickenson (Penn.) urges restraint
Agree to form Colonial Army
Delegates unanimously agree to Washington as Commander of Continental Army (John Adams suggestion)
John Adams is voting for the war with the english to happen and the nominate George Washington.
1775—June 17, “Battle of Bunker Hill”
Actually fought on Breed’s Hill
Gen. Howe leads assault without canon support (his canon had been matched with wrong-sized cannonballs [Amherst at Ticonderoga])
Militia waited to within 30 yards (some say 15 yards)
Militia target British officers
Militia ran extremely low on ammunition
On the third assault, led by Gen. Howe, British troops overtake the colonial position
Britain losses almost 1000 men (about half the attacking force)
Colonials lose about 500 men
1775—June 17, “Battle of Bunker Hill”
Actually fought on Breed’s Hill
Gen. Howe leads assault without canon support (his canon had been matched with wrong-sized cannonballs [Amherst at Ticonderoga])
Militia waited to within 30 yards (some say 15 yards)
Militia target British officers
Militia ran extremely low on ammunition
On the third assault, led by Gen. Howe, British troops overtake the colonial position
Britain losses almost 1000 men (about half the attacking force)
Colonials lose about 500 men

Bristsh win but we kill twice as many men as the British men did
1776—January, Common Sense
Written by Thomas Paine
120,000 copies sold in three months
Gen. William Howe evacuates Boston
July 2, lands in Staten Island, New York (Loyalist base)
1776—Declaration of Independence
June 7, Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) introduces legislation to declare independence from Britain
Before voting on Lee’s proposal Congress appoints five-man committee to draft a formal Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson, 33, does most of the writing)
June 28, Declaration presented to Congress
July 2, Congress approves Lee’s legislation to declare the United States of America independent of Great Britain
July 4, Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration intended to:
Undermine loyalty to King George III
Outline basic principles of representative government
Establish the “right” of rebellion
1776—January, Common Sense
Written by Thomas Paine
120,000 copies sold in three months
Gen. William Howe evacuates Boston
July 2, lands in Staten Island, New York (Loyalist base)
1776—Declaration of Independence
June 7, Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) introduces legislation to declare independence from Britain
Before voting on Lee’s proposal Congress appoints five-man committee to draft a formal Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson, 33, does most of the writing)
June 28, Declaration presented to Congress

July 2, Congress approves Lee’s legislation to declare the United States of America independent of Great Britain
July 4, Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration intended to:
Undermine loyalty to King George III
Outline basic principles of representative government
Establish the “right” of rebellion
Thomas Paine wrote common sense
1776—August, Brooklyn Heights, New York
Largest Naval group Britain will launch until the 20th century
British victory, city falls to England
As winter came “sunshine patriots” left the American Army
Initial colonial enlistments due to expire
1776—December, Battle of Trenton
Howe believes war almost won
1,400 Hessians stationed at Trenton
Colonel Rall (Hessian) builds no fortifications
Washington “Crosses the Delaware” Christmas night
2,500 men; 18 artillery guns
Surprise attack at dawn
106 Hessians killed, 918 captured
No colonial casualties
Washington retreats in secret to avoid Gen. Cornwallis counter-attack
1776—August, Brooklyn Heights, New York
Largest Naval group Britain will launch until the 20th century
British victory, city falls to England
As winter came “sunshine patriots” left the American Army
Initial colonial enlistments due to expire
1776—December, Battle of Trenton
Howe believes war almost won

1,400 Hessians stationed at Trenton
Colonel Rall (Hessian) builds no fortifications
Washington “Crosses the Delaware” Christmas night
2,500 men; 18 artillery guns
Surprise attack at dawn
106 Hessians killed, 918 captured
No colonial casualties
Washington retreats in secret to avoid Gen. Cornwallis counter-attack
George washington was almost caught by the British but escaped capture by running though the fog
1777—January, Princeton
Washington ambushes British troops
Colonial victory establishes this will not be a quick war for Britain
1777—September-October, Saratoga
Gen. Burgoyne plans a three-prong attack on colonials at Albany
Plan does not consider the terrain, forcing British troops to march through swamps, lakes, hills and forests full of rebels
Two of the three “prongs” never arrive (Howe goes to Philadelphia instead, St. Leger retreats to New York afraid of Benedict Arnold)
Sept. Burgoyne crosses Hudson River
Oct. 17, Burgoyne surrenders
Establishes American Army as real threat
Helps secure open French Alliance
Turning Point of the War
A minor victory for Washington, ambush on British
1777—January, Princeton
Washington ambushes British troops
Colonial victory establishes this will not be a quick war for Britain
1777—September-October, Saratoga
Gen. Burgoyne plans a three-prong attack on colonials at Albany
Plan does not consider the terrain, forcing British troops to march through swamps, lakes, hills and forests full of rebels
Two of the three “prongs” never arrive (Howe goes to Philadelphia instead, St. Leger retreats to New York afraid of Benedict Arnold)
Sept. Burgoyne crosses Hudson River
Oct. 17, Burgoyne surrenders
Establishes American Army as real threat
Helps secure open French Alliance
Turning Point of the War

A minor victory for Washington, ambush on British
1777-1778—Winter at Valley Forge
Under-funded troops
Low morale
10,000+ troops
4,000 troops listed as “unfit for duty” due to poor supplies (boots, blankets, coats, etc.)
2,500 troops die of disease (typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery, pneumonia)
George Washington mentioned a lack of shoes so severe that the men's "marches might be tracked by the blood from their feet”
Local farmers would sell produce to Brits who could pay cash
Under-funded troops
Low morale
10,000+ troops
4,000 troops listed as “unfit for duty” due to poor supplies (boots, blankets, coats, etc.)
2,500 troops die of disease (typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery, pneumonia)
George Washington mentioned a lack of shoes so severe that the men's "marches might be tracked by the blood from their feet”
Local farmers would sell produce to Brits who could pay cash
Green came in and started bring in supplies and food for soliders, Steuben started to teach us war tactics so that we could win some battles.
1779—February, Vincennes
1780—August, Camden
1780—October, Kings Mountain
1781—October, Yorktown
British Gen. Cornwallis
American Gen. Washington (also “Mad” Anthony Wayne, Baron von Steuben)
French Gen. Rochambeau (also Marquis de Lafayette)
Essentially a French Naval victory
Last significant battle of the war
We suronded the British from the sea and we bombed them for 9 straight days.
1783—Sept. 3, Treaty of Paris
Britain recognizes American independence
America gets all land from Atlantic coast to Miss. River, Great Lakes to Florida
Fishing rights to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and off the coast of Newfoundland
America must pay debts to Britain
American congress would “earnestly recommend” all Loyalist property returned (States ignore this request)
We were in Paris when we signed the treaty we negotiated with Britain we got the first two items and have to give Britain the last two.
1780—August, Camden
1780—October, Kings Mountain
1781—October, Yorktown
British Gen. Cornwallis
American Gen. Washington (also “Mad” Anthony Wayne, Baron von Steuben)

French Gen. Rochambeau (also Marquis de Lafayette)
Essentially a French Naval victory
Last significant battle of the war
We suronded the British from the sea and we bombed them for 9 straight days.
1783—Sept. 3, Treaty of Paris
Britain recognizes American independence
America gets all land from Atlantic coast to Miss. River, Great Lakes to Florida
Fishing rights to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and off the coast of Newfoundland
America must pay debts to Britain
American congress would “earnestly recommend” all Loyalist property returned (States ignore this request)
We were in Paris when we signed the treaty we negotiated with Britain we got the first two items and have to give Britain the last two.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Plymouth Exam
I. Introduction
A. Thesis statement [sample: The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence.]
B. Preview first major point (without support) [Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.]
C. Preview second major point (without support) [ Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War.]
D. Preview third major point (without support) [Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism.]
E. Significance of Thesis [It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.]
II. First Major Point
A. Miles Standish protected his colony any way he could and in this case used violence.
B. ran into the wigwams and scared the Indians.
C. took a knife off an Indians neck and stabbed him with it.
D. he killed any Indians that he saw with pilgrims.
E. Significance of position is violence, Miles Standish in which Miles does to protect his colony
III. Second Major Point
A. Benjamin Church shows plays an important in protecting his colonies during King Phillips war.
B. Caught Annawon by sneaking in behind two men that led him to Annawon was the leader of Phillips tribe
C. Planned to attack Phillip when he runs and hides

D. Phillip who was an enemy head was put on a pole after he was killed.
E. Significance of position was Benjamin Church kept his colony safe and did this by violence.
IV. Third Major Point
A. Every child need a public education
B. Freedom of religion, free to pratice what they believe
C. Freedom to own property
E. Significance of position shows that this is idealism because they're leavig everything they have in England to come to America
V. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis (not re-write)
B. Restate significance of first position
C. Restate significance of second position
D. Restate significance of third position
E. Summary of paper (why is it important)
Hints: (Mr. M.'s classes should recognize these)
1. Everything in the essay should relate back to, or support, your thesis.
2. Do NOT use "I" statements in your paper.
3. Always be sure to 'back-up' or support your reasons and statements.
4. Be as formal as possible with your language.
A. Thesis statement [sample: The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence.]
B. Preview first major point (without support) [Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.]
C. Preview second major point (without support) [ Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War.]
D. Preview third major point (without support) [Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism.]
E. Significance of Thesis [It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.]
II. First Major Point
A. Miles Standish protected his colony any way he could and in this case used violence.
B. ran into the wigwams and scared the Indians.
C. took a knife off an Indians neck and stabbed him with it.
D. he killed any Indians that he saw with pilgrims.
E. Significance of position is violence, Miles Standish in which Miles does to protect his colony
III. Second Major Point
A. Benjamin Church shows plays an important in protecting his colonies during King Phillips war.
B. Caught Annawon by sneaking in behind two men that led him to Annawon was the leader of Phillips tribe
C. Planned to attack Phillip when he runs and hides

D. Phillip who was an enemy head was put on a pole after he was killed.
E. Significance of position was Benjamin Church kept his colony safe and did this by violence.
IV. Third Major Point
A. Every child need a public education
B. Freedom of religion, free to pratice what they believe
C. Freedom to own property
E. Significance of position shows that this is idealism because they're leavig everything they have in England to come to America
V. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis (not re-write)
B. Restate significance of first position
C. Restate significance of second position
D. Restate significance of third position
E. Summary of paper (why is it important)
Hints: (Mr. M.'s classes should recognize these)
1. Everything in the essay should relate back to, or support, your thesis.
2. Do NOT use "I" statements in your paper.
3. Always be sure to 'back-up' or support your reasons and statements.
4. Be as formal as possible with your language.
Plymouth Exam
The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence. Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence. Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War. Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.
Miles Standish proteted his colony any way that he could and in this case used violence. Miles Standish ran into the wigwams scarring the native americans so bad that they tried to run through the walls of the wigwam. The second way Miles Standish shows protecting his colony by violence is when he took a knife off a necklace an indian had and stabbed him with it. The third violent thing Miles Standish does to protect his colony was whenever he would see an indian with a pilgrim he would shoot the indian. The signifigance of this position is violence, Miles Standish is killing all of these Native Americans because he thinks that they're going to kill the pilgrims so he targets and kills the native americans first. Miles Standish uses violence to protect his colony the way he knew best
Benjamin Church plays an important role in protecting his colonies during King Phillips war. Benjamin Church caught Annawon by sneaking in behind to men who led him to Phillip and his tribe. Benjamin church and his men planned to attack Phillip when he decided to sneak out and hide again. The last violent thing that Benjamin Church and his men did was after killing their enemy King Phiilp they placed his head on a pole and let it rot for twenty years. The signifigance of position is violence Benjamin Church and his men were in a war against King Phillip they used viloence and killed native americans to protect their fellow pilgrims.
Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. Pilgrims came to America for freedom of religion, back in England they were not allowed to pratice what they believed they had to pratice what the king decided. The second reason why pilgrims came to America was the freedom to own their own property, if they owned their own property they had control of themseves, when they worked how long they worked etc.The third thing that pilgrims believed was that all children should be in public school so that they can learn to read and write, this goes along with freedom of religion they learned how to read so that they could read the bible. The signifigance of position is that pilgrims come to America because of idealism wanting freedom to do as they please and how.
Enlish colonies moved to the United States and when they got here it was an ordeal of violence and idealism. Miles Standish uses violence to protect the people of his colony, he thinks that the Native Americans are out to kill them so he kills the Native Americans first. Benjamin Church and his people were in a war with King Philip, he proteteced his people by killing the Native Americans. The pilgrims came to America for freedom but found out that once they got here it was going to be a lot harder than they anticipated. It is important to realize that paper shows you that the stories that you hear when your little aren't true and when reading this paper it shows the real story.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Test Quotes

We shall make a new start. A fresh beginning. Here the blessings of the earth are bestowed upon all. None need grow poor. Here there is good ground for all, and no cost but one's labor. We shall build a true common wealth, hard work and self reliance our virtues. We shall have no landlords to rack us with high rents or extort the fruit of our labor. --John Smith (character)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wounded knee essay
A thesis
B You tube- memorial pics of monuments
C You tube video documentary
D Essay on class blog
E Significance how emotions lead to violence
II - Body
A Restate thesis
B People leaving trash at the monument is disrespect
C racism because while drinking they made racial comments and violence when abusing Indians
D this clip shows violence telling little kids to come out and then kill them
III - Conclusion
A restate thesis
B how we've changed from back then to the way we treat people now
C respect for other people's beliefs and or religion
D we know teach our students how to go through a process to understand people
E Significance why we've changed what good comes from that
A thesis
B You tube- memorial pics of monuments
C You tube video documentary
D Essay on class blog
E Significance how emotions lead to violence
II - Body
A Restate thesis
B People leaving trash at the monument is disrespect
C racism because while drinking they made racial comments and violence when abusing Indians
D this clip shows violence telling little kids to come out and then kill them
III - Conclusion
A restate thesis
B how we've changed from back then to the way we treat people now
C respect for other people's beliefs and or religion
D we know teach our students how to go through a process to understand people
E Significance why we've changed what good comes from that
Wounded Knee Essay
Wounded knee illustrates one of the final events in long series of violent conflicts motivated by racism, disrespect and a lack of understanding. The first source was taken from you tube video of pictures about wounded knee. The second source was taken yet from another you tube video and was was a documentary on wounded knee. The third source was taken form the class blog and described wounded knee was a massacre not a battle. The significance to these three sources was to show how wounded knee happened because of racism, disrespect and a lack of understanding.
Wounded knee was an end result that came from racism, disrespect and a lack of understanding. In the first you tube video it shows people's journey and when they come to the site of the monument from wounded knee, and the names of people that were in the massacre there's trash or something around the monument and that there shows disrespect. Before the massacre of wounded knee happened the Americans were drinking and while drinking their words were not kind, the Americans were making racial comments and slurs about the Indians which shows racism. On the class blog it talks about how after the "massacre" was over the Americans told all of the children to come out now because they were safe. When all the children came out the Americans shot them all and that there shows violence. These three things show it's a massacre because it has nothing to do with fighting, it shows what they were feeling and not how they fought.
Racism, disrespect and a lack of understanding can cause a lot of problems between different cultures and the end result can be tragic and end with a massacre, just like the wounded knee. After the massacre happened America realized that we were wrong. Now we teach out students to treat other cultures with respect. Different cultures have different beliefs and religions and through the massacre of wounded knee we've learned to take those differences from our own and respect them even though we don't always agree. When different people come from different backgrounds they may act and look different, most people are quick to judge without even knowing who they are, now in the school system they're teaching to ask questions and get a better understanding of who someone is before they judge them. Racism, disrespect and a lack of understanding can cause a lot of issues so it's important to learn from the mistakes our ancestors made so that we don't have anymore massacres such as wounded knee.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Mid-Term Essay Prompt #2
The rise of Nazism was a group of people who felt that the Jews were the main cause of everything bad in the world. This group of people were anti-christian and wanted to wipe out every single human who were "religious". The conditions were horrible after World War II, people were poor with no food, and many people didn't have jobs. This helped Hitler because he came in at a time when things were bad, if he said the right words and said he was going to make everything better, people would go with it because they had nothing else left to loose.
Hitler won the election because he had the best people in office that made him look good. At first he was probably a very nice guy but then he used threats to make himself powerful and that's how he won office and became a dictator. People didn't rebel against Hitler because of all the power that he had gained. If you made one wrong move then were dead, or it could have followed because it was something new and he said that if they kept believing in him he would give them what they wanted.
People's reactions depend on what you say, If I were to say that I was going to lower taxes and save you a lot of money, your probably going to be excited and want to vote for me. Where as if my opponent were to say that they were going to raise taxes and do a bunch of useless things with the extra money you earn , your reaction will probably say no way and vote for the other person whose going to save you money.
Hitler won the election because he had the best people in office that made him look good. At first he was probably a very nice guy but then he used threats to make himself powerful and that's how he won office and became a dictator. People didn't rebel against Hitler because of all the power that he had gained. If you made one wrong move then were dead, or it could have followed because it was something new and he said that if they kept believing in him he would give them what they wanted.
People's reactions depend on what you say, If I were to say that I was going to lower taxes and save you a lot of money, your probably going to be excited and want to vote for me. Where as if my opponent were to say that they were going to raise taxes and do a bunch of useless things with the extra money you earn , your reaction will probably say no way and vote for the other person whose going to save you money.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Response To Lit
Julianna DeNicola
English 10
Mr.Middleswart, Mr.Viles
January 16,2008
Of Mice and Men
Have you ever made a promise to a friend and then broken it? In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck the two main characters George and Lennie are best friends, and travel together looking for work. By not having George leave and committing to Lennie it sets the theme for the book Of Mice and Men . The book takes place in the 1930's which is during the Great Depression. The great depression started in October 1929 and lasted until 1939. During the great depression there wasn't slot of work so people just like George and Lennie moved from place to place looking to find work. The beginning of the book starts off with George telling Lennie he can't have anymore mice because he pets them too hard and kills them. Next Curly is trying to put up a fight with Lennie, Lennie doesn't do anything until George repeatedly tells him to and then Lennie takes a hold of his hand and doesn't let go, and ends up breaking his hand. The climax is when Lennie ends up killing Curly's wife. Lennie does this by petting her hair, Curly's wife screams so Lennie cover her mouth and tells her not to scream. Lennie doesn't take his hand off of her mouth and so he suffocates her. The falling action occurs when Lennie realizes what he's done wrong and he's reminded that he's supposed to go hide in the brush and wait for George, and that's what he does. After everyone comes back Candy finds the puppy dead, and tells Curly's wife she needs to leave, she doesn't respond and he soon finds she's dead. George go's and tells Lennie he's not going to leave him which there again is the commitment to each other. George talks to Lennie about their dream and as soon as Lennie is calmed, the resolution happens when George shoots him in the back of the head. Only so Curly doesn't find him first and torture him to his death.
Have you ever known anyone who needs boundaries but haven't had anyone to give them the boundaries they needed? George covers and takes care of Lennie, and is always getting Lennie and himself jobs, but Lennie happens to always get them kicked out. Lennie is a simple minded person who loves to please George, and Lennie also loves to pet soft things, even though sometimes that might get him in trouble. George helps develop the theme of the book by keeping his commitment and never leaving Lennie, the one who needs to have structure and boundaries. Without George would be in a lot of trouble. Lennie's actions help show the theme because with out Lennie George wouldn't have anyone to commit to and then we wouldn't have a theme. Lennie and George are eating dinner and Lennie says "George I can leave, I can go live in a cave some where in the hills and then I won't bother you." George says no because he's keeping his commitment to his friend. Also through the whole book Lennie stick with George where ever he goes.
The theme in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is keeping your commitment is important. I agree with this theme that you should keep your commitments. For example what if I was supposed to baby-sit and decided to make other plans with friends instead, I would be tossing my opportunity to earn money because my employer couldn't trust me. In the world today many people keep their commitment to employers, family and friends; but just stop and think what would the worked be like if we didn't all keep our commitments? What this all means is when you give your commitment to someone keep it because you never know what opportunities you may miss because of it.
John Steinbeck's purpose for writing the book Of Mice and Men was to inform people of the impact of the Great Depression. During the great depression farming almost always failed, crops dropped 40-60%. President Franklin Roosevelt and President Herbert Hoover were the two presidents during the great depression. During the great depression unemployment rose 25% in all 48 states. This was before Alaska and Hawaii were a part of the United States. This all relates because George and Lennie had a dream of having a little house with a little money, but this was almost impossible because of the high rate of unemployment. Living during the great depression was hard so while informing his audience John Steinbeck was also trying to entertain as well, John Steinbeck made both of his purposes clear. The characters in the book were very believable for example when George and Lennie talked about their dream of owning a house with plenty of food and not have to worry about anything, this is believable because who doesn't dream of owning a house and not having to worry about money? The theme in the book is believable because you either commit or you don’t and George was committed throughout the whole book, for example when Lennie is petting the girls dress and won't let go. Everyone is looking and trying to hunt Lennie down. George could have left him but he chose to stick with his commitment. Throughout the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck he uses his characters to show the theme of the book by committing to each other through the bad times.
English 10
Mr.Middleswart, Mr.Viles
January 16,2008
Of Mice and Men
Have you ever made a promise to a friend and then broken it? In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck the two main characters George and Lennie are best friends, and travel together looking for work. By not having George leave and committing to Lennie it sets the theme for the book Of Mice and Men . The book takes place in the 1930's which is during the Great Depression. The great depression started in October 1929 and lasted until 1939. During the great depression there wasn't slot of work so people just like George and Lennie moved from place to place looking to find work. The beginning of the book starts off with George telling Lennie he can't have anymore mice because he pets them too hard and kills them. Next Curly is trying to put up a fight with Lennie, Lennie doesn't do anything until George repeatedly tells him to and then Lennie takes a hold of his hand and doesn't let go, and ends up breaking his hand. The climax is when Lennie ends up killing Curly's wife. Lennie does this by petting her hair, Curly's wife screams so Lennie cover her mouth and tells her not to scream. Lennie doesn't take his hand off of her mouth and so he suffocates her. The falling action occurs when Lennie realizes what he's done wrong and he's reminded that he's supposed to go hide in the brush and wait for George, and that's what he does. After everyone comes back Candy finds the puppy dead, and tells Curly's wife she needs to leave, she doesn't respond and he soon finds she's dead. George go's and tells Lennie he's not going to leave him which there again is the commitment to each other. George talks to Lennie about their dream and as soon as Lennie is calmed, the resolution happens when George shoots him in the back of the head. Only so Curly doesn't find him first and torture him to his death.
Have you ever known anyone who needs boundaries but haven't had anyone to give them the boundaries they needed? George covers and takes care of Lennie, and is always getting Lennie and himself jobs, but Lennie happens to always get them kicked out. Lennie is a simple minded person who loves to please George, and Lennie also loves to pet soft things, even though sometimes that might get him in trouble. George helps develop the theme of the book by keeping his commitment and never leaving Lennie, the one who needs to have structure and boundaries. Without George would be in a lot of trouble. Lennie's actions help show the theme because with out Lennie George wouldn't have anyone to commit to and then we wouldn't have a theme. Lennie and George are eating dinner and Lennie says "George I can leave, I can go live in a cave some where in the hills and then I won't bother you." George says no because he's keeping his commitment to his friend. Also through the whole book Lennie stick with George where ever he goes.
The theme in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is keeping your commitment is important. I agree with this theme that you should keep your commitments. For example what if I was supposed to baby-sit and decided to make other plans with friends instead, I would be tossing my opportunity to earn money because my employer couldn't trust me. In the world today many people keep their commitment to employers, family and friends; but just stop and think what would the worked be like if we didn't all keep our commitments? What this all means is when you give your commitment to someone keep it because you never know what opportunities you may miss because of it.
John Steinbeck's purpose for writing the book Of Mice and Men was to inform people of the impact of the Great Depression. During the great depression farming almost always failed, crops dropped 40-60%. President Franklin Roosevelt and President Herbert Hoover were the two presidents during the great depression. During the great depression unemployment rose 25% in all 48 states. This was before Alaska and Hawaii were a part of the United States. This all relates because George and Lennie had a dream of having a little house with a little money, but this was almost impossible because of the high rate of unemployment. Living during the great depression was hard so while informing his audience John Steinbeck was also trying to entertain as well, John Steinbeck made both of his purposes clear. The characters in the book were very believable for example when George and Lennie talked about their dream of owning a house with plenty of food and not have to worry about anything, this is believable because who doesn't dream of owning a house and not having to worry about money? The theme in the book is believable because you either commit or you don’t and George was committed throughout the whole book, for example when Lennie is petting the girls dress and won't let go. Everyone is looking and trying to hunt Lennie down. George could have left him but he chose to stick with his commitment. Throughout the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck he uses his characters to show the theme of the book by committing to each other through the bad times.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Local History Paper
Julianna DeNicola
English 10
Mr.Middleswart, Mr.Viles
January 15, 2008
Neal Dow was a prohibitionist in Portland, ME. Neal Dow was the mayor of Portland and help put together the "Maine Law". The following is the Maine law...
"The Maine Law"
The temperance movement had it's origins in Maine, and to one degree or another dominated the political life of this state for more than a century. (Patterson) This right hear means that Maine was the founder of temperance and when people followed they fallowed Maine.
The worlds first Total Abstinence Society was founded in Portland in 1815. A state organization of temperance societies was formed in 1834, and within a dozen years had developed enough political clout to force the enactment of a state law prohibiting the sale of alcoholic spirits except for "medicinal and mechanical" purposes (Patterson) This here means that the organizations had enough people and power to make a law that alcohol was only used for medicinal uses.
Under the fiery leadership of Portland's Neal Dow -Known Internationally as the "Father of Prohibition" Maine approved a total ban on the manufacture and sale if liquor in 1851.(Patterson) This is just saying that when Maine was under the leadership of Neal Dow that's when they totally baned alcohol.
This so called "Maine Law" remained in effect, in one form or another until the repeat or National Prohibition in 1934. (Paterson). This piece is saying that the Maine law came in many different forms for a long time.
Is temperance a law or was it an opinion? Temperance was a big thing in the 1800's and it was put into action thanks to Neal Dow. In 1851 -1859 Neal was the mayor of Portland, Neal saw a problem and wanted it taken care of so he made a bill that he wanted put into place, Neal took this bill to Augusta to see if it would be passed. The next day when the voted came in, the "house" votes were eighty-six to forty and in the senate the vote were eighteen to ten. That very next day the bill was passed and the "Maine Law" was put into place. On June 2,1851 the government put "The Maine Law" into act in 3 different places known as Europe, Australia and New Zealand. ("Bio of Neal")
Many other place had the "Maine Law" put into place in their area. For example, in Great Britain a man by the name of Joseph Livesey and seven of his co-workers signed a pledge stating that they would never drink again, and others around them followed. In 1835, the British Association promoted temperance. (Patterson) In Ireland Catholic priest named Matthew Theobald persuaded thousands of people to sign a pledge saying they wouldn't drink. The British Women's Temperance Association were another group who helped persuade many men to sign a temperance pledge. Quakers and the salvation army tried to get the House of Commons, which was a lower part in the UK Parliament, to limit the sales of alcohol. Many people said that they would stop drinking for good but couldn't stop and still continued to drink beer and wine. By the 1840's groups didn't just want a pledge saying that you wouldn't drink, but they wanted you to say that you wouldn't drink it for life or supply anyone else with alcohol. Another name for this is called teetotalism, which mean total abstinence from alcohol. ("")
Have you ever thought how are laws today have come from or what they were like centuries ago? The effect of temperance was very great; to some people it was a big deal and it changed their life, and the people's life's around them. But for some people, they didn't care. The temperance movement helped put some people's life into prospective and others it just made them rebel against the law. Today there is not one extreme to another like there was back in the 1800's, where you could drink or you couldn't. Today we have a middle, if you are of age you can drink, but you have a limit to how much you can drink. If your not twenty-one you can't drink, it is against the law.
In the 1800's old building got used for a particular reason they were built for one thing and then were they used for other things.The temperance hall in Dixmont was a small church that was lit by three windows and was heated by a small wood stove, or what they would call a box stove. One small room in the front was a Sunday school library. The lower level was a horse stable when lodgers were using it, and afterwards it was used to store caskets and undertaker supplies. In the 1800's Dixmont had five different villages. The first one was Dixmont corner, the second was Dixmont center the third East Dixmont, the fourth Simpson's corner and the fifth one was North Dixmont. Temperance halls were turned into different things such as churches or or they were used to store caskets such as the temperance hall in North Dixmont after it's use as a temperance hall. Temperance halls didn't always stay in the same place, teams of oxen would pull these temperance halls to other villages near you and they would set them up and maybe move them around when the next person or village needed the building. Meeting of temperance were held on Simpson's corner for over thirty years, and they usually met in a barn. Here are some names that signed a temperance pledge in Dixmont.
Joeseph Arnold, David Simpson, William Tasker, John Littlefield, Margaret Craig , Stinson Peabody, Owen House
Edmund Mudgett and so on here are just a few to list off from the list. If you were caught drinking you would be treated poorly it was a big thing to be caught drinking you felt if not were alienated by the town during temperance. People were not allowed to drink alcohol but they were allowed to use it for medicinal uses only. Instead of drinking alcohol people would make hard cider and drink that; hard cider is a form of alcohol, but people got away with drinking it. The military boot camp had to barrels of rum,and while they were training they had that and would drink it. Nothing ever did happen to them and nobody has the answer of why, either. (Patterson)
Temperance was a big deal in the 1800's. Temperance was thought to be the devil and it could ruin peoples lives. Temperance means once again abstinence from all alcoholic liquors. This paper focused on temperance, what it is and why the movement was developed. Maine has changed a great deal since the 1800's, we no longer have people sign a pledge saying that they won't drink or provide other people with alcohol. In Maine today you are allowed to consume a legal amount of alcohol if you are of age, which is twenty-one, and alcohol is no longer thought to be the devil to every single person living in Maine anymore.
English 10
Mr.Middleswart, Mr.Viles
January 15, 2008
Temperance in Dixmont
Have you ever wondered where temperance came from? Temperance didn't just start one day there's a lot of history behind it. The definition of temperance is. abstinence from all alcoholic liquors. The most common type of people who believed in temperance were people from the church and grange people. The first movement of temperance started in Portland ME and was started by Neal Dow. Neal Dow found drunk children everywhere, along with men, and men weren't treating their families right or taking care of them properly due to all the alcohol. Big barrels of alcohol were placed everywhere throughout towns, with ladles for easy access. Children throughout the day would go and dip their finger in and lick it, as the day goes on the same thing happens repeatedly. The children's bodies were little and couldn't handle all of the alcohol. Neal Dow saw that this was a problem and tried to fix it by the temperance effect.Neal Dow was a prohibitionist in Portland, ME. Neal Dow was the mayor of Portland and help put together the "Maine Law". The following is the Maine law...
"The Maine Law"
The temperance movement had it's origins in Maine, and to one degree or another dominated the political life of this state for more than a century. (Patterson) This right hear means that Maine was the founder of temperance and when people followed they fallowed Maine.
The worlds first Total Abstinence Society was founded in Portland in 1815. A state organization of temperance societies was formed in 1834, and within a dozen years had developed enough political clout to force the enactment of a state law prohibiting the sale of alcoholic spirits except for "medicinal and mechanical" purposes (Patterson) This here means that the organizations had enough people and power to make a law that alcohol was only used for medicinal uses.
Under the fiery leadership of Portland's Neal Dow -Known Internationally as the "Father of Prohibition" Maine approved a total ban on the manufacture and sale if liquor in 1851.(Patterson) This is just saying that when Maine was under the leadership of Neal Dow that's when they totally baned alcohol.
This so called "Maine Law" remained in effect, in one form or another until the repeat or National Prohibition in 1934. (Paterson). This piece is saying that the Maine law came in many different forms for a long time.
Is temperance a law or was it an opinion? Temperance was a big thing in the 1800's and it was put into action thanks to Neal Dow. In 1851 -1859 Neal was the mayor of Portland, Neal saw a problem and wanted it taken care of so he made a bill that he wanted put into place, Neal took this bill to Augusta to see if it would be passed. The next day when the voted came in, the "house" votes were eighty-six to forty and in the senate the vote were eighteen to ten. That very next day the bill was passed and the "Maine Law" was put into place. On June 2,1851 the government put "The Maine Law" into act in 3 different places known as Europe, Australia and New Zealand. ("Bio of Neal")
Many other place had the "Maine Law" put into place in their area. For example, in Great Britain a man by the name of Joseph Livesey and seven of his co-workers signed a pledge stating that they would never drink again, and others around them followed. In 1835, the British Association promoted temperance. (Patterson) In Ireland Catholic priest named Matthew Theobald persuaded thousands of people to sign a pledge saying they wouldn't drink. The British Women's Temperance Association were another group who helped persuade many men to sign a temperance pledge. Quakers and the salvation army tried to get the House of Commons, which was a lower part in the UK Parliament, to limit the sales of alcohol. Many people said that they would stop drinking for good but couldn't stop and still continued to drink beer and wine. By the 1840's groups didn't just want a pledge saying that you wouldn't drink, but they wanted you to say that you wouldn't drink it for life or supply anyone else with alcohol. Another name for this is called teetotalism, which mean total abstinence from alcohol. ("")
Have you ever thought how are laws today have come from or what they were like centuries ago? The effect of temperance was very great; to some people it was a big deal and it changed their life, and the people's life's around them. But for some people, they didn't care. The temperance movement helped put some people's life into prospective and others it just made them rebel against the law. Today there is not one extreme to another like there was back in the 1800's, where you could drink or you couldn't. Today we have a middle, if you are of age you can drink, but you have a limit to how much you can drink. If your not twenty-one you can't drink, it is against the law.
In the 1800's old building got used for a particular reason they were built for one thing and then were they used for other things.The temperance hall in Dixmont was a small church that was lit by three windows and was heated by a small wood stove, or what they would call a box stove. One small room in the front was a Sunday school library. The lower level was a horse stable when lodgers were using it, and afterwards it was used to store caskets and undertaker supplies. In the 1800's Dixmont had five different villages. The first one was Dixmont corner, the second was Dixmont center the third East Dixmont, the fourth Simpson's corner and the fifth one was North Dixmont. Temperance halls were turned into different things such as churches or or they were used to store caskets such as the temperance hall in North Dixmont after it's use as a temperance hall. Temperance halls didn't always stay in the same place, teams of oxen would pull these temperance halls to other villages near you and they would set them up and maybe move them around when the next person or village needed the building. Meeting of temperance were held on Simpson's corner for over thirty years, and they usually met in a barn. Here are some names that signed a temperance pledge in Dixmont.
Joeseph Arnold, David Simpson, William Tasker, John Littlefield, Margaret Craig , Stinson Peabody, Owen House
Edmund Mudgett and so on here are just a few to list off from the list. If you were caught drinking you would be treated poorly it was a big thing to be caught drinking you felt if not were alienated by the town during temperance. People were not allowed to drink alcohol but they were allowed to use it for medicinal uses only. Instead of drinking alcohol people would make hard cider and drink that; hard cider is a form of alcohol, but people got away with drinking it. The military boot camp had to barrels of rum,and while they were training they had that and would drink it. Nothing ever did happen to them and nobody has the answer of why, either. (Patterson)
Temperance was a big deal in the 1800's. Temperance was thought to be the devil and it could ruin peoples lives. Temperance means once again abstinence from all alcoholic liquors. This paper focused on temperance, what it is and why the movement was developed. Maine has changed a great deal since the 1800's, we no longer have people sign a pledge saying that they won't drink or provide other people with alcohol. In Maine today you are allowed to consume a legal amount of alcohol if you are of age, which is twenty-one, and alcohol is no longer thought to be the devil to every single person living in Maine anymore.
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