A. Thesis statement [sample: The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence.]
B. Preview first major point (without support) [Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.]
C. Preview second major point (without support) [ Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War.]
D. Preview third major point (without support) [Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism.]
E. Significance of Thesis [It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.]
II. First Major Point
A. Miles Standish protected his colony any way he could and in this case used violence.
B. ran into the wigwams and scared the Indians.
C. took a knife off an Indians neck and stabbed him with it.
D. he killed any Indians that he saw with pilgrims.
E. Significance of position is violence, Miles Standish in which Miles does to protect his colony
III. Second Major Point
A. Benjamin Church shows plays an important in protecting his colonies during King Phillips war.
B. Caught Annawon by sneaking in behind two men that led him to Annawon was the leader of Phillips tribe
C. Planned to attack Phillip when he runs and hides

D. Phillip who was an enemy head was put on a pole after he was killed.
E. Significance of position was Benjamin Church kept his colony safe and did this by violence.
IV. Third Major Point
A. Every child need a public education
B. Freedom of religion, free to pratice what they believe
C. Freedom to own property
E. Significance of position shows that this is idealism because they're leavig everything they have in England to come to America
V. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis (not re-write)
B. Restate significance of first position
C. Restate significance of second position
D. Restate significance of third position
E. Summary of paper (why is it important)
Hints: (Mr. M.'s classes should recognize these)
1. Everything in the essay should relate back to, or support, your thesis.
2. Do NOT use "I" statements in your paper.
3. Always be sure to 'back-up' or support your reasons and statements.
4. Be as formal as possible with your language.
Plymouth Exam
The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence. Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence. Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War. Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.
Miles Standish proteted his colony any way that he could and in this case used violence. Miles Standish ran into the wigwams scarring the native americans so bad that they tried to run through the walls of the wigwam. The second way Miles Standish shows protecting his colony by violence is when he took a knife off a necklace an indian had and stabbed him with it. The third violent thing Miles Standish does to protect his colony was whenever he would see an indian with a pilgrim he would shoot the indian. The signifigance of this position is violence, Miles Standish is killing all of these Native Americans because he thinks that they're going to kill the pilgrims so he targets and kills the native americans first. Miles Standish uses violence to protect his colony the way he knew best
Benjamin Church plays an important role in protecting his colonies during King Phillips war. Benjamin Church caught Annawon by sneaking in behind to men who led him to Phillip and his tribe. Benjamin church and his men planned to attack Phillip when he decided to sneak out and hide again. The last violent thing that Benjamin Church and his men did was after killing their enemy King Phiilp they placed his head on a pole and let it rot for twenty years. The signifigance of position is violence Benjamin Church and his men were in a war against King Phillip they used viloence and killed native americans to protect their fellow pilgrims.
Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. Pilgrims came to America for freedom of religion, back in England they were not allowed to pratice what they believed they had to pratice what the king decided. The second reason why pilgrims came to America was the freedom to own their own property, if they owned their own property they had control of themseves, when they worked how long they worked etc.The third thing that pilgrims believed was that all children should be in public school so that they can learn to read and write, this goes along with freedom of religion they learned how to read so that they could read the bible. The signifigance of position is that pilgrims come to America because of idealism wanting freedom to do as they please and how.
Enlish colonies moved to the United States and when they got here it was an ordeal of violence and idealism. Miles Standish uses violence to protect the people of his colony, he thinks that the Native Americans are out to kill them so he kills the Native Americans first. Benjamin Church and his people were in a war with King Philip, he proteteced his people by killing the Native Americans. The pilgrims came to America for freedom but found out that once they got here it was going to be a lot harder than they anticipated. It is important to realize that paper shows you that the stories that you hear when your little aren't true and when reading this paper it shows the real story.