Monday, May 19, 2008

Book Portfolio on Night

In the book Night published in 1960 by Elie Wiesel the book is all about the journey and personal experiences of one person during the Holocaust. The author shows each step that he took place in during the Holocaust from being invaded by the Germans and forming a ghetto to being starved and working, seeing the ones you love die and at last sweet victory of beating Hitler and not dieing. The theme for the book Night is we can learn from our past so we don't repeat our mistakes. The significance of the theme is to show people that if we don't learn from the mistakes from the people before us what can happen.

The Thematic statement for the book Night by Elie Wiesel is to show the people that we can learn from our past mistakes in history and not repeat them, this is shown many times throughout the book. First throughout the book the Germans don't treat the Jews like humans ie. when they give them small rations of food, don't give them very many clothes and stick them in cattle carts like cows. In the beginning of the book the Jews have trust that the Germans aren't going to come for them or even harm them if they do come. The last thing we could learn from and not repeat is loosing faith just like the Jews did during the Holocaust for ie. Elie lost faith in God, why let bad things happen to good people, they lost faith in their family in friends. Elie wondered if his father was slowing him down so if he was dead would he be ahead of the game. This theme relates because when your not treated like human, you loose trust and faith therefore showing that if something like this ever happened again we might live longer knowing we can keep faith.

This theme is important now and has been through time. The Holocaust was a major genocide where about 6 million Jews were killed. The Jews weren't the only ones targeted during the Holocaust, Jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals and gypsies. Elie the author of Night wrote the book so that people would know of the tragic event and learn from the mistakes and not repeat them. America has learned from their mistakes but other countries haven't so they need make mistakes and learn from them. For example Rwanda which is a recent genocide that happened in the 90's is where the Hutu's tribe in Africa tried to take out the Tutsi's. 800,000 deaths happened in 100 days. We're supposed to learn from our mistakes like the holocaust. and yet Rwanda happened only 14years ago. Darfur which only happened in 2003 is massive genocide of women and children Many were kicked out of the country. 200,000 people died in Darfur because of disease, malnutrition and violence. Elie the author of Night wrote about his experiences. America has learned from the mistakes of the Holocaust, but many other countries haven't unfortunately so in order for genocide to stop, other countries must experience it for themselves and learn from their mistakes.

The theme in the book Night is to show that we need to learn from our past so we don't repeat our mistakes. Night by Elie Wiesel is all about the Holocaust the theme in the book is important because it shows that if we don't learn from our past there could be another big genocide within the Jews. The theme is important in history because we can learn from our past and not repeat the same mistake twice having another or multiple genocide's taking out big pieces of the population. Elie Wiesel shows the theme of the book very well, he talks about his own struggles through the Holocaust. For example the Germans not treating the Jews like humans, Among Elie and other Jews were tossed in cattle carts treated like cows and driven miles away for days. People loosing faith in not only God but the people that were around them Elie lost trust that his father was going to make and the rabbi felt like it was the end and they were never going get out. Everyone lost trust going from being oblivious and thinking the Germans weren't going to come and in the end thinking the Germans have every control over them. Elie lost trust in his friends and family when they started talking nonsense about dieing when they were so close to getting out of the concentration camps. It is important once again to understand the theme because if we don't learn from our past then history will keep repeating itself and we will never be able to learn anything.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Valley Forge Letter

My dearest sister Isabella,

The winter has been very cold and tough we've only been given fire cakes grilled on the grittle to eat along with water. We share a 16x4 foot long and walls 61/2 feet talll and a stone fire place and a cloth door with 12 men, the floors are dirt it's cold, damp and a very unhealthy place to sleep in. For a year we've been with Washington and runing away it seems like every living second along with being shot at. I tell you this because you are my on sister and I trust that you won't tell ma that things are going poorly. I know this would break her heart since the bad news of pa's death earlier in the war.

The whole time fighting we've only won one battle and that was at trenton crossing the delware river. I hate being in the war and all i want to do is come home to take care of you and ma. I hope that you have found a decent man that both pa and i would both like. Many men at Valley Forge have gotten sick from drink from the same stream that the soliders have gone to the bathroom in. Those of us who haven't gotten sick have been made to have vaccines. Genereal Nathanael Green is now the quartermaster and things are looking up for the war we are being taught new things to help us win more battles.

Isabella I think i'm going to try and stick it out for another 6 months becaue I hate the Britians so much that we're being taught the skills by Baron von Steuben a German whose a profesional solider he looks funny and can't speak english but we are learning so many skills that are need to kill the Britian's and rub it in their faces. I'm doing this only for myself, but for you and everyone at home and the fallen soliders that felt the same way I do. with all my love,
